The Carnbee Owners Association Committee is the elected representatives of the Carnbee Owners Association. In the past the committee managed the estate on behalf of the association. However, following a vote of the association in 2021 the management of the estate passed to a factor. This changed the roles and responsibilities of the committee.
The current responsibilities of the Carnbee Owners Association Committee are:
- To be a representative group of owners which the factors can consult on matters to do with the management of the estate.
- To improve the accountability of the factor to the owners, and ensure that development issues are dealt with quickly and the factor’s fees are being spent wisely.
- To arrange the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the owners and any other meetings that may be required by the constitution.
The current Carnbee Owners Association Committee is made up of the following members:
- Chair: Alan Carmichael
- Vice Chair: Andy Reid
- Secretary: Joyce Nisbet
- Constitution Sub Group: Alan Gibson
- Website and IT: Bruce Ramsay
- Member: Bill Hogg
- Member: Andi Neilson
Contact with any members of the committee should be through the email address.